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BIG NEWS - Peak Lab Foster Wins Petco Foundation National Foster Hero Award!


It's Foster a Pet Month and PLR Foster Heather Champion-Johnson has been chosen as one of 22 WINNERS of the Petco Foundation's 2020 National Foster Heroes Award!!! Heather and her family are making a difference in our community by demonstrating the lifesaving impact of fostering more than 200 dogs.

Here's her winning entry:

Heather is a CHAMPION for shelter dogs. Her mantra is "puppies solve everything". She is Peak Lab Rescue’s Foster Hero.

Heather and her family stepped up during COVID-19 in a big way to ensure that our shelter puppies found a loving home. She has fostered back-to-back-to-back and has responded to every call for action. She has even recruited several other foster families to volunteer for Peak Lab Rescue during this pandemic. Her home serves as a “distribution center” for equipment and supplies needed by fosters who live in her part of town.

As a professional photographer, Heather participated in the recent #frontporchproject, which features family portraits taken outdoors from a safe distance. Heather generously donated the proceeds from these heartwarming portraits to Peak Lab Rescue. Heather is tireless and an inspiration.

Heather has been a Peak Lab Rescue foster for six years and has helped 200+ orphans, bottle feeders, and itty-bitty babies. That’s a lot of dogs who require a huge investment of time and loving care in order to thrive!

Her current foster dog, Gaia, was a terrified and alarmingly underweight mama dog saved with her nine one-day-old puppies in tow. Caring for Gaia and her puppies is a family commitment. Heather’s three daughters have worked hard to earn Gaia’s trust and help her relax in their home. Husband Jeremy’s custom-built whelping box ensures the comfort and safety of the pups as they grow. Heather has undertaken puppy weight checks and supplemental feedings around the clock. She carefully tracks Gaia’s weight gain as well to ensure that mama dog has the energy and resources to feed her growing brood. The pups are now three weeks old and doing well.

“I can go on and on and on about everything fostering has done for my family,” says Heather. “It’s not always glamorous, but it is always beautiful.”

A hero is defined as a person who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Heather possesses all of this and more. Her positive attitude, generous heart, and commitment to saving dogs make her special. Peak Lab Rescue is proud to call her our Foster Hero.

Special thanks to Heather and her family for all they do to help Peak Lab Rescue achieve our Mission of ending dog homelessness in our state. Congratulations for this well-deserved award!

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