Today's Guest Blogger is Julia Young, Cary Academy student and Peak Lab Rescue foster. Julia recently completed a series of interviews of some important people who support Peak Lab Rescue in a variety of ways. Here is her first report:
Dr. Cindy Johnson is an integral part of Peak Lab Rescue. She’s been helping out since she opened Peak City Vet in September of 2018, and is one of the primary veterinarians for PLR. She was initially introduced to PLR through a mutual friend of Debbie, and the pair ended up forming a great relationship.
Dr. Cindy loves how organized and thorough PLR is, but most of all, she loves the big hearts of those who volunteer. Dr. Cindy has seen PLR take on some medical cases that other rescues might not, and has even seen volunteers help clear out shelters in times of need - even when the dogs weren’t necessarily Labs.

Dr. Cindy is one of those big-hearted people as well. She’s kind, hard-working, loving, and loyal, and thinks she is the most similar to a Golden Retriever in temperament (she loves to make others happy!).
Because of her job, Dr. Cindy sees many different dogs and has stories about most of them. One of the more recent stories was about Charles, a PLR foster that had broken his toe. No matter what type of bandage the vets would put on Charles, he somehow would always get it off within days. The funniest thing about Charles was that he would fall asleep during his vet visits without fail. He was the first dog Dr. Cindy had ever seen that had fallen asleep on her while she bandaged his leg! Most of the dogs typically would need to be sedated in that situation. It became a popular joke around the Peak City Vet office that Charles kept taking his bandage off so he could see his “girlfriend” Dr. Cindy, and it’s not hard to see why he’d want to.

Dr. Cindy has always had a soft spot for rescue dogs, and she thinks of helping PLR as her way of making a little contribution back to the community. Her favorite part of helping with PLR is the transformation a rescue dog undergoes between its rescue from the shelter and its later adoption. She encourages anyone who wants a dog to consider being part of a dog’s transformation, and specifically recommends a PLR dog, as fosters and volunteers that help out with PLR dogs are organized, thorough, and go above and beyond for every dog.
Stay tuned for more on-the-scene reporting from Julia!